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Removal of Impacted Tooth 48 with Bone Grafting for Bony Defect Distal of 47

Surgical Removal
Retained Root
Removal of Impacted Tooth 48 with Bone Grafting for Bony Defect Distal of 47

Chief Complaint

Patient reported a food trap on distal side of tooth #47 with occasional swelling.

Clinical Findings

Tooth #16:
Gross caries.
One root separated.
Slight metallic sound on percussion, suggesting dense bone and potential ankylosis.

Treatment Plan

  • Removal of impacted tooth #48.

  • Bone grafting for the resultant bony defect/cavity distal of #47.

Pre-operative Assessment

Pre-operative CBCT scan taken.


Right IDN, LN, and LBN blocks administered.

Surgical Procedure

  • Preparation:
    Patient cleaned and draped.
    Buccal flap raised with an incision.

  • Removal of Retained Roots:
    Bone guttering performed.
    Tooth sectioned and elevated out in four separate pieces.
    Thorough curettage performed.
    Irrigation with saline.
    Three balanced salt solutions (BSS) placed for secondary closure.
    Achieved haemostasis.
    Post-operative instructions (POI) given.

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Post-operative Assessment

Pre-operative CBCT scan taken.

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