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Surgical Removal of Retained Roots and Extraction for Severely Tilted Teeth

Surgical Removal
Extraction, Retained Root
Surgical Removal of Retained Roots and Extraction for Severely Tilted Teeth

Chief Complaint

Patient has grossly carious retained roots and severely tilted periodontally involved teeth.

Clinical Findings

  • Retained roots: #34, #35, #36, #37, with mobility and probing depth concerns

  • Severely tilted and periodontally involved teeth: #43, #33, #37

Treatment Plan

  • X-ray and assessment for teeth #43, #33, and #38

  • Surgical removal of retained roots #34, #35, #36, and #37

  • Consideration for implant or denture to replace missing teeth or leave as empty spaces

Pre-operative Assessment

  • Pre-operative CBCT taken

  • Risks and procedures explained

  • Quotation provided

  • Informed consent for surgical removal of retained roots obtained


Local anesthesia block for left inferior dental nerve (IDN), lingual nerve (LN), and buccal nerve (LBN) administered

Surgical Procedure

  1. Incision, buccal flap raised

  2. LA XAP #43, #33, and #38

  3. Bone guttering

  4. Tooth sectioning

  5. #34, #35, #36, and #37 retained roots elevated out in 05 pieces

  6. Curettage, irrigation with saline

  7. BSS x 23 placed for secondary closure

  8. Hemostasis, POI

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Post-operative Assessment

  • Pre-operative CBCT taken

  • Risks and procedures explained

  • Quotation provided

  • Informed consent for surgical removal of retained roots obtained

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